Current electricity questions | form six Physics
Find Current electricity examination questions, form six Physics in
# | Question |
1 | An electric circuit contains a resistor with constant resistor R and an inductor with constant inductance L connected in series with an electromotive force alternating voltage E0sin wt. Find the current I flowing in the circuit given that at t = 0 the current I=0. Mathematical Calculation |
2 | How does a step-up transformer differ from a step-down transformer? Short answers |
3 | Why the transmission of electricity is always done at the highest possible voltage?. Short answers |
4 | An accumulator of e.m.f. 50V and internal resistance 2Ω is charged on a 100V d.c. Mathematical Calculation |
5 | Figure1 shows a circuit for measuring the resistance of a wire Q which is kept at constant Identify the device labelled M1 and M2 and state its functions. Short answers |
6 | Why alloys are used for making standard resistance coils? Short answers |
7 | A coil of a wire has a resistance of 10.8Ω at 20°C and 14.1Ω at 100°C. Determine the Mathematical Calculation |
8 | State the function of each of the following devices: Short answers |
9 | Identify three basic logic gates that make up all digital circuits. Short answers |
10 | Construct the truth table from the logic gates shown in Figure2. Mathematical Calculation |