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Elementary surveying and map making questions

Elementary surveying and map making questions | form three Geography

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# Question

(a) Name the three (3) types of topographical surveying.
(b) What is the importance of chain survey?

Short answers

(a) What is the meaning of survey to a geographer?
(b) Differentiate chain survey from levelling using the knowledge you have acquired from survey.
(c) Explain four (4) ways in which chain survey is significant in the day to day life of a human being.

Short answers

(a) Mary is a good cartographer, she intends to produce a contoured map of Dar es Salaam. What type of survey method would you advise her to apply?
(b) Apart from producing contour maps, what is the other significance of the type of survey you have mentioned in (a) above?

Short answers

The following are instruments used in chain and tape survey:
A Barometer, pegs, notebook, compass
B Tape measure, chain, cross staff, anemometer
C Chain, arrows, ranging poles, altimeter
D Arrows, ranging poles, pegs, chain
E Cross staff, notebook, chain and plane table.

Multiple choices

Form three students at Nguvumali secondary school would like to conduct a simple chain survey around their school compound and measure the height of the big gully near the headmaster’s office. Describe the significance of survey in Tanzania.

Short answers

(a) (i) Define the term levelling survey.
     (ii) State four benefits of levelling survey.
(b) Explain essential equipments used in levelling surveying.

Short answers

(a) Explain the best steps required in order to conduct an accurate chain survey.
(b) What are the five good booking methods used in chain survey?

Short answers

(a) Define chain survey.
(b) Give the main use of the following equipments in simple chain survey.
(i) Pegs
(ii) Cross staff
(iii) Arrows
(iv) Tape
(v) Chain
(vi) Ranging rods
(vii) Field sheet
(viii) An optical square.

Short answers

(a) (i) Define chain survey.
    (ii) Give four principles of chain survey.
(b) Give one reason for each of the following:
    (i) Ranging pole has a pointed metal end.
   (ii) Note book is important during field study.
   (iii) Back bearings are taken during compass survey.
   (iv) During surveying, measurements are called back by the booker.

Short answers

(a) Briefly explain the function of pegs, ranging poles and arrows during chain survey.
(b) How can chain survey errors be avoided?

Short answers