Extraction of metals questions | form three Chemistry
Find Extraction of metals examination questions, form three Chemistry in acaproso.com
# | Question |
1 | Thw most abudant metal in the earth’s crust is
Multiple choices |
2 | With the aid of balanced chemical equations wherever appropriate, briefly outline the extraction of Zinc from zinc blende. Short answers |
3 | Give three (3) main uses of zinc. Short answers |
4 | The function of limestone in the extraction of iron in the blast furnace is to
Short answers |
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Short answers |
6 | Study carefully the figure below and then answer the questions which follows
Short answers |
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Short answers |
8 | The only metal which does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid is
Multiple choices |
9 | Explain six measures for minimizing the environmental degradation caused by extraction of metals in tanzania. Long answers |