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Nutrition questions

Nutrition questions | form five Biology

Find Nutrition examination questions, form five Biology in acaproso.com

# Question

What is the role of the liver and pancreas in

  1. Digestion?
  2. Metabolism of the end products of digestion?

Short answers

Describe the cyclic and non-cyclic photophos-phorylation pathways of the light reactions of phosynthesis. What are the products of these reactions ?

Long answers

Compare photosynthetic phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation.

Short answers

Describe how energy in the form of ATP is formed during cyclic photophosphorylation.

Short answers

Mention four roles of carbohydrates in the plant body.

Short answers

Explain what you understand by the term disaccharides and name any two examples.

Short answers

What is glycolysis?

Short answers

Summarise the essential features of glycolysis which lead to the release of energy from a molecule of glucose.

Short answers
  1. Briefly explain the roles of the following in photosynthesis
  1. NADP
  2. Ribulose diphosphate
  3. Photosytems I and II (PSI) and (PSII)
  1. Giving reason explain the effect of lowering oxygen concentration on
  1. C3 photosynthesis
  2. C4 photosyntehsis
  1. Why the rate of photosynthesis decreases at high temperature?

Long answers

Discuss the sensory and hormonal control of secretions of the digestive system in man.

Long answers