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Pre colonial african societies questions

Pre colonial african societies questions | form five History

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# Question

With examples, examine the objectives of pre-colonial education in African societies. (Give six points).

Long answers

By using six points, examine the influence of Mfecane war in the formation of centralised states in Central and East Africa during the 19 th century.

Long answers

Analyse the characteristics of pre-colonial exploitative modes of production in Africa. (Give four characteristics in each mode of production).

Long answers

Describe six factors for the development of State Organization in Pre-Colonial West African Societies.

Long answers

Analyse five characteristics of the first non antagonistic mode of production which developed in pre-colonial Africa and elaborate three factors that show how African communal societies transformed to feudalism.

Long answers

Explain six outstanding features of the centralised societies that existed in Precolonial Africa.

Long answers

Though the characteristics of the feudal mode of production were the same, their approaches however were different. Identify six (6) differences between the feudal modes of production practiced in Buganda with that one evolved along the Coast of East Africa.

Long answers

Examine the main characteristics of pre-colonial education, its pitfalls and roles to the development of African societies.

Long answers

Analyse six challenges of pre-colonial African education.

Short answers

In six points, assess the achievements of the pre-colonial African technology.

Short answers