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Soil questions

Soil questions | form three Geography

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# Question

Deposition of soil materials removed from one horizon to another is called

  1. illuviation 
  2. weathering 
  3. eluviation
  4. organic sorting 
  5. leaching.

Multiple choices

………. soil is heavy, has minute air spaces, holds much water, is difficulty to cultivate,dries up and forms a hard surface.
A Loam
B Clay
C Silt
D Sand
E Volcanic

Multiple choices

(a) Define soil profile using the knowledge you have studied on soil.
(b) With the aid of a labelled diagram, illustrate soil profile.
(c) Explain four (4) factors that influence the development of soil profile.

Short answers

………. shows the soil’s grain size.
A Soil texture
B Soil structure
C Soil morphology
D Particle density
E Soil profile

Multiple choices

A vertical cross-section of the soil showing its horizons is called
A soil erosion
B soil porosity
C soil profile
D soil PH
E soil catena.

Multiple choices

Soils may differ from one area but they share almost the same components. Describe the composition of the soil.

Short answers

Soil texture refers to:
A arrangement of soil particle
B size of individual soil particles
C soil catena
D soil PH
E grained structure.

Multiple choices

An active state of decomposition caused by soil microorganism is called

  1. organic matter
  2. soil water
  3. mineral matter
  4. soil air
  5. soil components.

Multiple choices

Chernozem soils are fertile because they
A have a high proportion of the organic matter or humus
B are acidic and have a moderate organic matter
C are used for the cultivation of large plants such as bananas, maize and cocoyam
D are heavily leached
E are found in humid tropical areas.

Multiple choices

Giving examples, explain how you can conduct a field research.

Short answers