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The atom questions

The atom questions | form five Chemistry

Find The atom examination questions, form five Chemistry in acaproso.com

# Question

(a) Use s,p,d,f  notation to designate atomic orbitals with the given pairs of quantum numbers n and l.

  1. n =2 and l=1
  2. n =3 and l=2
  3. n =4 and l=3
  4. n =3 and l=0

(b) For the following sets of quantum numbers , state which are allowable and which are not allowable. Briefly explain your answer.

  1. n =2 ; l=2;m_{l}=0;m_{s}=+frac{1}{2}
  2. n =3 ; l=1;m_{l}=0;m_{s}=-frac{1}{2}
  3. n =1 ; l=0;m_{l}=+1;m_{s}=+frac{1}{2}
  4. n =3 ; l=2;m_{l}=+2;m_{s}=-frac{1}{2}

Short answers

(a) Define the following phrases

  1. Atomic number
  2. Mass number

(b) Clearly state four postulates of Planck`s quantum theory as derived from black body radiation.

Short answers

A nucleus of a certain element is presented as _{27}^{58}	extrm{X}. What is the number of electrons and neutrons in atom X?. Show your work clearly.

Mathematical Calculation

Sketch a hydrogen spectral series based on Bohr atom energy level.

Short answers
  1. How does a mass spectograph of a pure element is used to detect the presence of isotopes?
  2. The following data were obtained for a certain pure element
Isotope Mass of Isotope Natural Abundance(%)










Calculate the relative atomic mass of an element.

Mathematical Calculation
  1. Use wave and particle models for energy of a particle to derive the de Broglie equation.
  2. Calculate the wave length of an alpha-particle having mass of 6.6 	imes 10^{-27}kg moving with a speed of 10^{5}cm s^{-1}. Show your work clearly including manipulations of units.

Mathematical Calculation

Study carefully the Bohr`s atomic model of hydrogen atom shown below then answer the questions that follow.

The atom -form five chemistry questions

  1. State three postulates which led Bohr`s atomic model. Include mathematical expressions, if any , which qualify the postulate.
  2. In a single sketch of Bohr`s atom, show how Lyman and Paschen spectral series are formed.

Long answers

The energy difference between ground and excited state atoms of a certain element was found to be 4.4	imes 10^{-19}J. Calculate the wavelength and wavenumbe of the photons that excited the atoms. Show your work clearly including manipulations of units.

Mathematical Calculation

Dalton`s atomic theory consists of four main postulates. For each of the two postulates given below, briefly describe an experiment or discovery which is against the postulate.

  1. Atoms can neither be created nor destroyed
  2. All atoms of the same element are alike.

Long answers

State four postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory.

Short answers