The solar system questions | form one Geography
Find The solar system examination questions, form one Geography in
# | Question |
1 | The earth is said to be oblate spheroid because it is
Multiple choices |
2 | The solar system is made up of Multiple choices |
3 | Lunar eclipse occurs because Multiple choices |
4 | About 98% of the matter making the sun is Multiple choices |
5 | Which one of the following is not an outcome of the rotation of the earth on its own axis? Multiple choices |
6 | Rotation of the earth results to: Multiple choices |
7 | Which among the following is a heavenly body that possesses and transmits its own light?
Multiple choices |
8 | The four seasons of the year are a result of
Multiple choices |
9 | When does the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere occur?
Multiple choices |
10 | The time increases by 4 minutes for every 1° of longitude when one travels from
Multiple choices |