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Transfer of thermal energy questions

Transfer of thermal energy questions | form three Physics

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# Question

White clothes are preferentially worn in sunny regions to black clothes because they:
A. absorb heat
B. diffuse heat
C. reflect heat

D. transmit heat

Multiple choices

Tobacco leaves being dried outside in an open space receive heat from the sun through a process known as:
A. conduction
B. convection
C. evaporation
D. radiation

Multiple choices

If point A is at 100C while point B is at 25 C, then heat energy:
A. is the same at both points A and B
B. will flow from point B to point A
C. will not flow at all
D. will flow from point A to point B

Multiple choices

Heat energy can be transferred by the following methods: mention them.

Short answers

The heat energy from the sun reaches the earth by:
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Transparency
D. Radiation

Multiple choices

The temperature of liquid in a thermos flask remains unaltered for a long time because heat loss by
A conduction is minimized
B convection and radiation are reduced
C radiation and convection are minimized
D conduction and radiation are reduced
E all modes of heat transfer are reduced.

Multiple choices

Which process involves heat transfer through gases?

Short answers

When the sun shines on the dark-coloured driving wheel of a car, the wheel feels  warm. Why?

  1. It is because the sun warms the car by induction.
  2. It is because the sun gives energy to the wheel by convection.
  3. It is because the sun radiates thermal energy to the wheel.
  4. It is because the sun conducts thermal energy to the wheel.
  5. It is because the sun conducts thermal energy to the wheel.

Multiple choices

Figure 2 shows a bimetallic thermostat strip used to regulate the temperature of the room by using a heater and a cooler.Which device between A and B is a heater? Justify your answer.

Transfer of thermal energy questions form three physics

Short answers

Demonstrate by using a diagram on how heat transfer by convection takes place when water is heated?


Short answers