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Weather questions

Weather questions | form one Geography

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# Question

The weather condition of an area is influenced by various factors, what are the main factors that may influence weather condition of an area?

Short answers

An instrument used to measure wind speed or velocity is called

  • anemometer
  • wind-vane
  • barometer
  • hygrometer

Multiple choices

If the temperature at 500 metres where the tourists start climbing mount Kilimanjaro is 20°C. What will be the temperature when they reach 2,000 metres above sea level?
A 10°C.
B 5°C.
C 11°C.
D 12°C.
E 15°C.

Multiple choices

If Morogoro town has a temperature of 25°C, what will this temperature be in fahrenheit?
A 77°F
B 32°F.
C 41°F
D 212°F
E 97°F

Multiple choices

Temperate cyclones are characterised as follows:
A They are instruments with cycles for measuring temperature
B Have long hours of high temperature
C They are temperate winds which have a high speed
D They are low pressure centres which develop in temperate Latitudes
E They are strong temperate rains in the United States of America, Africa and the Congo basin.

Multiple choices

The following are the elements of weather:
A Soils, clouds, dew, humidity, rainfall
B Fog, barometer, humidity, pressure, air mass
C Clouds, sunshine, pressure, humidity, thermometer
D Pressure, clouds, sunshine, humidity, winds
E Pressure, humidity, soils, fog.

Multiple choices

Which sequence of the following processes is necessary for the formation of rainfall?
A Condensation, cooling and evaporation
B Evaporation, cooling and condensation
C Evaporation, sedimentation and cooling
D Evaporation, condensation and cooling
E Evaporation, cooling and sedimentation.

Multiple choices

Which of the following instruments is used to measure pressure?
A Wet and dry bulb thermometer
B Aneroid barometer
C Anemometer
D Rain gauge
E Hygrometer

Multiple choices

A Stevenson’s box is painted by white colour in order to
A improve insulation
B be seen clearly
C decorate it
D allow thermometers to be placed
E allow movement of air.

Multiple choices

Which of the following instruments is used to measure the maximum and minimum temperature?

  1. Barometer
  2. Thermometer 
  3. Anemometer
  4. Six’s thermometer
  5. Hydrometer.

Multiple choices