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Database design and implementation questions.

Database design and implementation questions.

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# Question

In an E-R diagram a relationship is represented by a circular shape

True OR False

A group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies a row is called a query

True OR False

In an enterprise -class database system, the DBMS acts as an interface between a database application and the database.

True OR False

Incompatible file formats, data duplication, separation and isolation of data are both limitations of DBMS

True OR False

In a database, data is stored in spreadsheets which have rows and columns

True OR False

A person , place, thing , or event about which we need to keep information is a description of an entity

True OR False

A conceptual design involves modelling independent of the DBMS

True OR False

A field used to link to a primary key field in another table is called a foreign key

True OR False

The full form of DDL is Detailed Data Language

True OR False

The functions of a DBMS include the following with exception of

  • Creating and processing forms
  • Administrating databases
  • Creating databases
  • Processing data

Multiple choices