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Extension methods questions.

Extension methods questions.

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# Question

Describe the steps to be followed in organizing a farmer field school.

Short answers

Malcom knowles identified six characteristics of adult learners, which need to be adhered to by educators. For each of the characterisitcs as a facilitator explain the measures you will take to ensure that learning takes place.

Long answers

Briefly, describe any five(5) possible consequences of a poorly planned farm visit.

Long answers

Explain four basic principles that will guide you as extension agent in preparation and handling of demonstrations as extension teaching method.

Short answers

Describe any five important features of a poster that would make it an effective communication tool.

Short answers

Explain any five situations necessitating the use of individual extension methods.

Long answers

Describe four conditions that should be fulfilled for effective use of extension teaching methods.

Long answers

With examples , explain any five factors you will consider in selecting appropriate extension method to use as extension agent.

Long answers

Outline eight key steps followed in organizing a farmer field school.

Long answers

Describe four criteria that guide the selection of a suitable audio visual aid.

Long answers