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Foundation of analysis questions.

Foundation of analysis questions.

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# Question

If f:mathbb{R}
ightarrow mathbb{R} is given by f(x)=3x+7, prove that it is one to one.

Mathematical Calculation

Let A be a set of non-zero integers and let equiv be the relation on AxA defined by (a,b)equiv(c,d) wherever ad=bc. Prove that equiv is an equivalence relation.

Mathematical Calculation

Use de Moivre's theorem to express cos4	heta and sin4	heta in terms of powers of cos4	heta and sin4	heta.

Mathematical Calculation

Find the roots of z^3-z^2 -z-2=0, given that z=2 is a root.

Mathematical Calculation

Determine if the following sets are bounded or not bounded.

  1. S={{x in mathbb{R}|0leqslant x<1}}
  2. S={{n|ninmathbb{N}}}
  3. S={{frac{1}{n}|ninmathbb{N}}}.

Prove that if the least upper bound of a subset S of Re exists, then it is unique.

Mathematical Calculation

Define what it means for a sequence of real numbers (x_n)_{ n=0}^{alpha} to converge to zero.

Mathematical Calculation

Using the definition prove that both of the following sequences converge to zero.

  1. x_n ={frac{1}{2n}}
  2. x_n ={frac{1}{sqrt{n}}}

Mathematical Calculation

Suppose a=1 .Show P is true for all ngeq 1 where P is defined as follows. P(n):1+a+a^2+ ... +a^n=frac{a^{n+1}-1}{a-1}.

Mathematical Calculation