Introduction to survey and mapping questions.
Find Introduction to survey and mapping university examination questions in
# | Question |
1 | Distinguish legs from stations as used in survey. Short answers |
2 | What is meant by the following terminologies?
Short answers |
3 | Mention six geological field equipments and explain their uses. Short answers |
4 | What is meant by geological mapping? Short answers |
5 | In which situation a unit is called a mappable unit? Short answers |
6 | Explain how traversing is done during geological mapping. Short answers |
7 | Distinguish the usefulness of the following sources of data for the construction of a cross-section
Short answers |
8 | From the map given below, draw an accurate cross-section along the line a-b make sure you show all the contacts. Short answers |
9 | Mention the equipments used in chain survey and explain how this survey is done. Short answers |
10 | Distinguish mining survey from linear survey Short answers |