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Sociology of education questions.

Sociology of education questions.

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# Question

The term sociology was first employed in France by Auguste Comte meaning.

  • Systematic study of social fact
  • Scientific study of society
  • Systematic study of social dynamics
  • Scientific study of social interaction

Multiple choices

Which of the following is not a concern of sociology of education?

  • It analyses the institutions and organizations of education
  • It is concerned with the relation between schools and social structure
  • It is concerned on how social institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcome.
  • It stresses upon the social and political importance of education

Multiple choices

Society would be governed by reliable knowledge and would be understood in light of the knowledge produced by science, primarily sociology . Which sociologist among the following explained this?

  • Lewis Henry Morgan
  • Emile Durkhein
  • Auguste Comte
  • Ferdinand Toennis

Multiple choices

Which one of the following sociologists used the term `Collective consciousness` to reflect the shared ideas , values and goals?

  • Karl Max
  • John Sinclair
  • Emile Dukheim
  • Herbert spencer

Multiple choices

Functionalist theory sees education as serving the needs of  _____

  1. Family
  2. Society
  3. Individual
  4. All the above


Multiple choices

Which theory of education focuses on the labels acquired through the educational process?

  1. Functional
  2. Feminist
  3. Conflict
  4. Symbolic interaction

Multiple choices

Educational Sociology deals with which aspect of education ?

  1. Social
  2. Political
  3. Economic
  4. Psychological


Multiple choices

Which of the following does not influence the process of education?

  1. Social class structures
  2. Political organization of the society
  3. The upper middle class of the society
  4. The culture of the society and its social institutions

Multiple choices

Education provided to the child by the school is ____

  1. Formal
  2. Informal
  3. Traditional
  4. Highly standardized

Multiple choices

If in a social set up people are working against others in order to obtain possession, they are said to have ___

  1. Conflict
  2. Competition
  3. Cooperation
  4. Accomodation

Multiple choices