Culture questions | form four Civics
Find Culture examination questions, form four Civics in
# | Question |
1 | List down five pillars of a stable marriage Short answers |
2 | Show six efforts made since independence to promote and preserve national culture in Tanzania. Short answers |
3 | In many societies traditional folk tales and songs continue to have importance mainly because they Multiple choices |
4 | What do you understand by the term “early marriages?” Briefly explain four effects of early marriage. Short answers |
5 | Norms of conduct which differ from one society to another and change from time to time are known as
Multiple choices |
6 | There is almost unquestionable view that culture is dynamic. In the light of this statement, explain any five merits of cultural change to Tanzanians. Long answers |
7 | One of the following is not true about the characteristics of culture Multiple choices |
8 | Write a concise explanation on the importance of courtship Short answers |
9 | A father, his wives and children represent family known as Multiple choices |
10 | Before marriage a man and a woman pass through a period called Multiple choices |