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Forces that affect the earth questions

Forces that affect the earth questions | form three Geography

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# Question

Tilting of the electricity poles and fences on slopes are works of
A weathering
B denudation
C steepness of slope
D mass wasting
E deposition.

Multiple choices

Absence of drainage on the surface in the limestone region is the direct result of
A very low rains in the area
B presence of swallow holes
C the big rivers which swallow small rivers
D presence of deep gorges
E presence of sound and big pores.

Multiple choices

The following are marine depositional features:
A Beach, lagoons and sand spits
B Beach, fringing reef and stump
C Beach, stump and atoll
D Tombolo, delta and headland
E Headland, geo and stacks.

Multiple choices

When the river flows in its long profile it performs the following geological activities:
A Moves fast and can carry everything on the earth’s surface
B Erodes, transports and deposits weathered materials
C Meanders and forms ox-bow lakes throughout the profile
D Does three functions such as abrasion, solution and attrition
E Acts as agent of weathering and erosion along the profile.

Multiple choices

Landforms formed by vulcanicity can be divided into
A Many parts according to the nature of lava
B Sills, dykes, valleys and earthquakes only
C Volcanic mountains and sills only
D Extrusive and intrusive features
E Batholiths, dykes and volcano only.

Multiple choices

Which of the following is the effect of mass wasting?
A Frost action
B Interlocking spur
C Rock fall
D Exfoliation
E Rock disintegration.

Multiple choices

The columns of clay capped by boulders formed due to rain action are known as:
A. soil creep

  1. gullies
  2. land slide
  3. earth pillars
  4. cuesta

Multiple choices

Which of the following features is formed by river erosion?
A. pot hole 

  1. ox bow lake
  2. delta
  3. flood plain
  4. lagoon.

Multiple choices

___________ are good examples of fold mountains in Africa.
A Uluguru and Oldoinyo Lengai
B Jos and Karoo
C Elgon and Kilimanjaro
D Atlas and Cape Ranges
E Udzungwa and Kilimanjaro.

Multiple choices

Which one of the following is a process of wind erosion?
A. Abrasion

  1. Corrosion
  2. Hydrolysis
  3. Exfoliation
  4. Attrition.

Multiple choices