Genetics questions | form four Biology
Find Genetics examination questions, form four Biology in
# | Question |
1 | The offspring of two AB blood group parents will possibly be
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2 | In the plant Rosa alba, a pure breed white flowered plant was crossed to a pure breed red flowered plant. All F1 plants had pink flowers. When the pink flowered plants were selfed, offspring in F2 had 102 plants with red flowers , 207 plants with pink flowers and 101 plants with white flower:.. Long answers |
3 | The offspring of crosses between round rooted and long-rooted raddishes were always found to be oval shaped. This is an example of
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4 | Two gray cats are crossed . The female gives birth to 5 gray and 3 black kittens. Which of the following is most probably true?
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5 | During blood transfusion, a person receiving blood can only accept blood of the correct type. Copy the table below and put inthe box space a tick if the donor`s blood is compatible with the recipient`s blood and put a cross(X) if the donor`s blood is incompatible with the recipient`s blood. Short answers |
6 | Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited disease of humans. The disease is controlled by a single pair of alleles. People homozygous for recessive allele develop the disease, while heterozygous do not suffer from it.
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7 | Distinguish between test-cross and back-cross. Short answers |
8 | The chromosomes for two sexes in human beings are
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9 | Write down the components of the DNA (Deoxyribo-Nucleic-Acid) Short answers |
10 | Give three differences between DNA and RNA. Short answers |