Magnetism questions | form two Physics
Find Magnetism examination questions, form two Physics in
# | Question |
1 | The following are good examples of magnetic materials
Multiple choices |
2 | (a) State the law of magnetism. Short answers |
3 | Suppose you wanted to make strong permanent magnets, which of the following materials would you select: Multiple choices |
4 | Three methods commonly used to magnetize magnetic materials are:_______ Fill in blanks |
5 | The direction along which a magnetic compass North Pole would tend to move if placed in a magnetic field is called the line of: Multiple choices |
6 | In the diagram below (i) A and ________ represent ____________ Fill in blanks |
7 | Magnetic materials can be magnetized in three different methods namely Multiple choices |
8 | A point at which the resultant magnetic flux density is zero is called_______ Fill in blanks |
9 | Draw magnetic lines of force of a bar magnet showing its poles. Short answers |
10 | A suspended bar magnet comes to rest pointing approximately in the: Multiple choices |