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Matching items questions.

Matching items questions | o-level Physics

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# Question

Match the following characteristics of electronic memory devices in list A to their corresponding electronic devices in List B by writing the letter of the correct option beside the item number.


List A List B
  1. A special temporary storage available in ALU.
  2. Special memory available in input/output devices
  3. Memory devices which are becoming unpopular due to the entry into the market of affordable mass storage
  4. Memory device which are suitable for recording motion pictures.
  5. Storage media that are not housed inside the computer
  6. Memory storage whose content can be accessed  and read but can not be changed
  7. The main memory in a virtual memory system
  8. Working storage that is used to hold instructions and data needed by the currently running application
  9. Non- volatile storage media that employs integrated circuits rather than mechanical or optical technology
  10. Computer storage where data is written and read from them uses a laser beam.
  • Removable storage
  • Fixed storage
  • Flash disk
  • Buffer storage
  • Register
  • Permanent storage
  • ROM Storage
  • Volatile storage
  • Real storage
  • RAM storage
  • Floppy disks
  • Optical storage
  • Non-volatile storage
  • Digital versatile Disks


Matching items

Match the responses in List B with the word/ phrases in List A by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.


i. A state of physical and mental well being

  1. Attack and engulf foreign organisms
  2. Leprosy, tetanus, cholera
  3. Vitamin B1 deficiency
  4. Spreads diseases without being affected
  5. Chemicals on the surface of the pathogens
  6. Ready made antibodies
  7. Removes pathogens
  8. Behaving in an acceptable way
  9. An epidemic accross whole continents

A. Beriberi

  1. Vector
  2. Good manners
  3. Pandemic
  4. Natural immunity
  5. Antibodies
  6. Bacterial
  7. Lymphocytes
  8. Personal Hygiene
  9. Immunity
  10. Phagocytes
  11. Protozoans
  12. Scurvy
  13. Parasite
  14. Antigens
  15. Sneezing
  16. Healthy
  17. Endemic
  18. Yawning
  19. Passive immunity


Matching items

(i) Temperature
(ii) Torricelian vacuum
(iii) Penumbra
(iv) Real image
(v) Electromotive force
(vi) Potential difference

(a) Total shadow
(b) The driving force of an electric cell
(c) Space above the simple barometer
(d) Degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
(e) Partial shadow.
(f) A force which drives an electric current through an
electrical component.
(g) Apparent intersection of light rays.
(h) Actual intersection of light rays.

Matching items

Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.

(i) Measures how much the position has changed.
(ii) Measures the net change in position.
(iii) Rate of change of distance.
(iv) Rate of change of displacement.
(v) The constant rate of change of displacement.
(vi) Rate of change of velocity.
(vii) Motion under the effects of gravity.
(viii) Measures the rate at which position changes.
A. Gravitational acceleration.
B. Average speed.
C. Acceleration.
D. Uniform acceleration.
E. Free-fall motion.
F. Distance.
G. Speed.
H. Speed in metres.
I. Velocity.
J. Uniform velocity.
K. Displacement.

Matching items

Match each item in List A with a correct response in List B by writing its letter below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.

(i) Attractive force between molecules of the same substance
(ii) Bodies that give out light
(iii) Device used to put on and off an electric current
(iv) Instrument used to convert wind energy to mechanical energy
(v) Magnetic field is zero
(vi) Measures body temperature
(vii) Measures mass of the body
(viii) Product of mass and velocity
A. Adhesive force
B. Beam balance
C. Clinical thermometer
D. Cohesive force
E. Luminous objects
F. Magnetic field
G. Momentum
H. Neutral point
I. Six’s thermometer
J. Spring balance
K. Switch
L. Wind mill


Matching items

Match the items in ​ List A​ with the responses in ​ List B​ by writing the letter of the correct response besides the item number.



  1. The galaxy from which the solar system containing the planet earth is found.
  2. A large area on the earth’s surface with uniform characteristics of temperature, rainfall and vegetation.
  3. A thin blanket of air surrounding the earth.
  4. A process that course the wrinkling of the earth’s surface rocks.
  5. The destruction of rocks by temperature change.


  1. Atmosphere
  2. Ozone layer
  3. Compressional force
  4. Tensional force
  5. Milky way
  6. Andomedal spire
  7. Weathering
  8. Erosion
  9. Natural region
  10. Equatorial climate


Matching items

 You are provided with two lists A and B. Choose a word(s) from list B which matches the statement or phrases in list A and write its letter against the appropriate statement in the space provided.



  1.  Supports Combustion
  2. Used for grinding solid chemicals
  3.  Desiccators
  4. The same atomic number but different mass number
  5. Compound
  6.  Liquid metal
  7. Basic salt
  8.  Formed by electron sharing
  9. Contain H+ as the only positive ions
  10.  Method used to extract oil from seeds


  1.  Isobars

  2. Isotopes

  3.  Mercury

  4. Ionic bond

  5. Covalent bond

  6. Acids

  7. Oxygen

  8. For drying solids

  9. Mortar and pestle

  10. Water

  11. MgOHCl

  12. Argon

  13.  Bases

  14. Milk

  15. Solvent extraction



Matching items

Match each item in List A with a response in List B by writing its letter below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.


(i) A measure of turning effect
(ii) Apparent weight of a floating body
(iii) Clockwise moments equal to anti clockwise moments
(iv) Effects of low pressure at high altitudes
(v) Not used for making spectacles
(vi) The rising of oil in the wick of the lamp
(vii) Used for seeing objects which are out of direct vision
(viii) USed to determine relative density.

A. A body in equilibrium
B. Capillarity
C. Density bottle
D. Measuring cylinder
E. Moment of force
F. Nose bleeding
G. Opaque material
H. Osmosis
I. Periscope
J. Translucent material
K. Upthrust is small
L. Zero.


Matching items

Match each item in List A with a response in List B by writing its letter below the number of the corresponding item in the table provided.

(i) Angle between geographic axis and magnetic axis
(ii) Anomalous expansion of water
(iii) converts sound to electrical energy
(iv) Earth between sun and moon
(v) Material between plates of a capacitor
(vi) Measures liquid pressure
(vii) Measures the density of liquids
(viii) Submarines, canoes, ships and balloons.
(a) Angle of declination
(b) Angle of elevation
(c) Between 0°C and 4°C
(d) Capacitors
(e) Dielectric
(f) Eclipse of the sun
(g) Floating objects
(h) Gas pressure
(i) Hydrometer
(j) Lunar eclipse
(k) Lunar eclipse
(l) Manometer
(m) Microphone
(n) Transformer


Matching items

Match the items in List A with responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number.


(i) Apparent loss in weight

(ii) Attractive force between molecules of the same substance

(iii) Load over effort

(iv) Oil and grease

(v) Tangential force on liquid surface

(vi) Temperature at which solid changes to liquid

(vii) The moon is between the Earth and the sun

(viii) Solid changing to vapour directly

A Cohesive force

B Lubricants

C Mechanical Advantage

D Melting point

E Solar eclipse

F Sublimation

G Surface tension

H Upthrust

I Moon eclipse

J Velocity Ratio

K Evaporation
L Adhesive force


Multiple choices