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Newtons laws of motion questions

Newtons laws of motion questions | form two Physics

Find Newtons laws of motion examination questions, form two Physics in acaproso.com

# Question

A person standing in a bus which starts to move forward, suddenly tends to fall backwards. This tendency obeys
A. Newton’s first law of motion.
B. Newton’s second law of motion.
C. Newton’s third law of motion.
D. The principle of moments.

Multiple choices

For an oscilloscope just to display the wave form of an a.c supply which controls should be adjusted.
A Yshift then Xtime base
B Xtime base then Yshift
C Yshift then brightness
D Xtime base then Ygain
E Ygain then focus.

Multiple choices
  1. Define acceleration due to gravity and state Newton’s first Law of motion.
  2.  An object is seen to fall from an aeroplane and observed to take 15 seconds in reaching the ground. Assuming that air resistance is negligible, calculate:
    (i) the height of the plane.
    (ii) the velocity with which the object strikes the ground. 
  3. (i) Find the average force required to stop a train weighing 200 tons traveling at 54 km/h in two minutes  from the application of the brakes.
    (ii) What distance will the train travel in that time?

Mathematical Calculation

The change in momentum of an object to which force is applied within a very short time is called ______

Fill in blanks

Which of the following best illustrates Newton’s third law?
A Inertia  B Momentum  C Rocket propulsion  D Circular motion

Multiple choices

Briefly explain the motion of an object under gravity by taking an example of a ball thrown straight up into the air.

Long answers

A car with a velocity of 60 km/h is uniformly retarded and brought to rest after 10 seoncds. Calculate its acceleration.

Mathematical Calculation

Distinguish between distance and Displacement.

Short answers

Provide one example of the law of inertia of a body.

Short answers

What mass will be given to a body with an acceleration of 7 m/s 2 by a Force of 3N?

Mathematical Calculation