The solar system questions | form one Geography
Find The solar system examination questions, form one Geography in
# | Question |
1 | Moon is among the bodies that move in space relative to one another. True OR False |
2 | The farthest position from the sun in the orbit of earth is called: Multiple choices |
3 | The angular distance measured in degrees North and South of the Equator is known as: Multiple choices |
4 | Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth. Multiple choices |
5 | If it is 3.00 PM at Mwanza 33°E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Tehran 50°E in Iran? Multiple choices |
6 | Siberia is to the East of the International Date Line (IDL) and Alaska is to the West. If one from Siberia crosses the line to Alaska he/she: Multiple choices |
7 | The earth’s orbit is more spherical than elliptical in shape. True OR False |
8 | The Equator is the line which divides the earth into two hemispheres. True OR False |
9 | Mercury is the largest planet in the Solar System. True OR False |
10 | Westerly winds do not move from North Pole to the Horse Latitudes. True OR False |