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The solar system questions

The solar system questions | form one Geography

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# Question

Moon is among the bodies that move in space relative to one another.

True OR False

The farthest position from the sun in the orbit of earth is called:
A. Lunar eclipse
B. Aphelion
C. Umbra
D. Perihelion.

Multiple choices

The angular distance measured in degrees North and South of the Equator is known as:
A. Great circles
B. Longitude
C. Altitude
D. Latitude.

Multiple choices

Water and air currents do not move in straight lines due to spinning effect of the earth.
The term used to describe this situation is:
A. Deflation
B. Reflection
C. Direction
D. Deflection.

Multiple choices

If it is 3.00 PM at Mwanza 33°E in Tanzania, what will be the time at Tehran 50°E in Iran?
A. 4:08 PM
B. 1:52 PM
C. 10:00 AM
D. 10:08 PM

Multiple choices

Siberia is to the East of the International Date Line (IDL) and Alaska is to the West. If one from Siberia crosses the line to Alaska he/she:
A. Gains a day
B. Loses a day
C. Gains and loses a day at the same time
D. None of the above.

Multiple choices

The earth’s orbit is more spherical than elliptical in shape.

True OR False

The Equator is the line which divides the earth into two hemispheres.

True OR False

Mercury is the largest planet in the Solar System.

True OR False

Westerly winds do not move from North Pole to the Horse Latitudes.

True OR False