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Cell biology questions.

Cell biology questions.

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# Question

Golgi complex is involved in

  1. Formation of vesicles
  2. Synthesis lysosomal hydrolytic enzymes
  3. Post translational modifications of the mRNA(Protein)
  4. Formation of new membranes

True OR False

Lysosomes are

  1. Active in extracellular digestive processes
  2. Secretory inclusion
  3. Acting with oxidation enzymes
  4. Involved in lipofusein formation

True OR False

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not participate in

  1. Testosterone hormone synthesis
  2. Glycogen catabolism synthesis
  3. Lipid synthesis
  4. Androgen synthesis

True OR False

Rough endoplasmic reticulum :

  1. Network of anastomosing tubes
  2. Protein synthesized for extracellular use
  3. Distribution is associated with cell polarity
  4. In continuity with cell membrane

True OR False

Hemoglobin is:

  1. Not synthesized by erythrocytes
  2. A conjugated protein
  3. A pigment synthesized in rER
  4. Chemically different in foetus from that of the mother.

True OR False

What are the two big groups into which cells are classified?

Short answers

Mention the main components of the plasma membrane and state its main functions.

Short answers

What are cytoplasmic inclusions? State their significance in a cell.

Short answers

Describe the structure of centriole and state four functions .

Short answers

Describe the basic morphology and function of mitochondria.

Long answers