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Educational research methodology questions.

Educational research methodology questions.

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# Question

Applied research takes the form of a theory that explains the phenomenon under investigation to give its contribution to knowledge.

True OR False

Sample may be defined as the procedure in which a sample is selected from an individual or a group of people of certain kind for research purpose.

True OR False

Applied research aims at solving specific local problems within a program , organization, or community where people in the situation are directly involved in gathering information and studying themselves.

True OR False

Structured interviews involve a series of questions designed to elicit information which is filled in by all participants in a sample.

True OR False

The ontological position of position of positivism is one of realism where objects are considered to have an existence independent of the knower.

True OR False

The positivist epistemology is one of objectivism, a belief that the researcher and the researched are independent entities.

True OR False

Match the statements in column A with those in column B.

Column A Column B


  1. The research aims at solving specific local problems within a program , organization, or community where people in the sistuation are directly involved in gathering information and studying themselves.
  2. The type of research that takes the form of a theory that explains the phenomenon under investigation only to give its contribution to knowledge.
  3. The type of research pursues potential solutions to human and societal problems.
  4. The process by which the researcher gather the information needed to answer the research questions or problems.
  5. A research which is undertaken  to find out feasibility of any research study, where researchers undertake small studies (pilot study) before they start the actual study.
  6. A branch of philosophy (metaphysics) concerned with the nature and relations of being (reality)
  7. It is the relationship between the researcher and the reality or how the reality is captured or known.
  8. A view that reality is subjective and differs from person to person. Thus, reality is individually constructed.
  9. The tentative  guesses, intended to be given a direct experimental test when possible by predicting possible relationship between variables.
  10. A method of data analysis used to determine the probability that a relationship between variables found in the study sample also exists within the population from which the sample was drawn.
  11. The type of research explains why or how there is a relationship between two or more than two aspects.


  1. Correlation research
  2. Explanatory research
  3. Action research
  4. Pure research
  5. Applied research
  6. Data collection
  7. Exploratory research
  8. Descriptive research
  9. Epistemology
  10. Ontological position of interpretivism
  11. Research design
  12. Hypothesis
  13. Target population
  14. Sampling frame
  15. Research instrument
  16. Inferential statistics
  17. Interpretive Epistemology
  18. Ontology
  19. Descriptive statistics
  20. Instrumentation
  21. Data analysis
  22. Evaluation research


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A questionnaire is a data collection instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Mention the steps required to design and administer a questinnaire in the logical order.

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Test as a research instrument can be used to measure the effect of one or more independent variables . Standardized tests are constructed by experts and they have specific characteristics and usage. Mention any four types of standardized tests.

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Scientific research has theoretical and practical applications to educational policy development in any country. Briefly , mention two of them.

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