International agricultural trade questions.
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# | Question | |||||||||||||||||
1 | Using partial equilibrium model, illustrate how improving and exporting countries benefit from trade. Short answers |
2 | Who within an importing country benefits from imports of particular commodities and who is hurt?. Explain your answer using concept of consumer and producer surplus. Short answers |
3 | There are two important classical theories of trade , the comparative advantage and resource endowment.
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4 | The table below indicates the labour unit required to produce 5 tons of potatoes and tomatoes(Man days)
Long answers |
5 | International transaction is complicated by its impersonal exchange , use of different currencies and risks attributed to distance , product evaluation and monitoring and enforcement of exchange . Briefly discuss what is done to allow smooth international transactions. Long answers |
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7 | In the classical theories of international trade , theorist try to show that if countries are open to trade and they trade according to comparative advantage and /or based on resource endowment, trade will be mutually beneficial.
Short answers |
8 | Discuss the following terms as parts of concepts and principles of international trade
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9 | Using illustration briefly describe the effect of import Tariff and restrictive import quota imposed by a small country on its domestic market. Long answers |
10 | Regional integration has many forms including Free Trade Area (FTA). COmmon MArket(CM), CUstom UNion (CU) and common currency. Explain what thesese forms are and their implication in international trade and competitivenes of regional groups in the wolrld market. Long answers |