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Law and ethics in pharmacy practice questions.

Law and ethics in pharmacy practice questions.

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# Question

A drug, medical device or herbal shall be deemed to be counterfeit if:
A. It is manufactured under name which does not belong to another
B.  It is an imitation of or is a substitute for another drugs, medical
device or herbal drug resembles another drug.
C. The label or container bear the name of an individual or company
purporting to be a manufacture of the drug.
D. It purports to be it is product of manufacturer of whom it is truly
E.  It has been substituted wholly or in part by another drug substance.

Multiple True/False

Medicine and cosmetic products shall be considered as unfit when they are:
A. Damage, unexpired and improperly stored
B. Counterfeit, standard and adulterated
C. Improperly sealed and properly labeled
D. Expired and unauthorized products
E. Prohibited and substandard products

Multiple True/False

Concerning Pharmaceutical personnel - patient relationship:
A. Should not be aware that individual patients have a right, under
data protection legislation and his/her access his records
B. Must assist patients in their expression of needs and value, and
should recognize their rights
C. Pharmaceutical personnel must have a duty to tell the truth and to
act with conviction of conscience
D. Pharmaceutical personnel must involve in discriminatory practices
and behavior
E. Pharmaceutical personnel encourage shared responsibility for
adherence to medication regimens and achieve desired drug

Multiple True/False

For the purpose of preserving confidentiality and privacy of the patient - pharmaceutical personnel must:
A. Provide pharmaceutical care services without consideration for the person privacy of patients
B. Ensure affirmative duties exist to institute and maintain practice that protects patient confidentiality
C. Pharmacy care requires that other health care personnel have no access to or be provided with relevant information.
D. Make sure where appropriate, reveals to the patients the boundaries of professional confidentiality
E. Ensure that electronic and manual system which include patient specific information, incorporates access control system risk of unauthorized access to data

Multiple True/False

Match the explanations in column B with the most appropriate term in column A

Column A: Column B:

1. Pharmacist

2. Intern pharmacist

3. Pharmacy practice

4. Professional misconduct

5. Breaches

A: Means a person enrolled under section 34 as per Pharmacy Act 2011, Cap 311
B: Means any person registered as such under section 17 pharmacy council Act 2011, Cap 311.
C: Means a council established under section 3 of Pharmacy council Act 2011, Cap 311.
D: Means any act pertaining to the scope of practice of a pharmacist, pharmaceutical technician and pharmaceutical assistant as approved by the council.
E: Means a person registered under section 16 as per Pharmacy Act 2011, Cap 311.
F: Means an act of disregarding any obligation of code of ethics and professional conduct.
G: Means any practice which is in breach of the code of conduct, prescribed under the Pharmacy council Act 2011, Cap 311.


Matching items

Match the meanings in column B with the most appropriate terms used as the consideration of medicine and cosmetic product to be unfit in column A

Column A: Column B:






A: A product should not be sold because of an expected decline in quality or effectiveness after a certain date.
B: A product is considerable to be no longer to use but can give other institutions as donor.

C: A product which is not of nature or quality demanded by the purchaser.
D: Whenever the authority considers if necessary or desirable in the public interest
E: No person shall deal in any prohibited drugs unless he holds a permit issued by the authority
F: It is manufactured under a name which belongs to another drug.
G: Is product whose composition has been affected by the addition there to.


Matching items

Define the following important terms used in code of ethics
(a) Pharmaceutical personnel
(b) Pharmaceutical technician
(c) Pharmaceutical assistant
(d) Professionalism

Short answers

Mention Six (6) codes of ethics which pharmaceutical personnel must adhere.

Short answers

Mention three (3) goals of health care system

Short answers

Mention procedures for application to dispose of unfit medicines and cosmetic products.

Short answers