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Socio-cultural systems of tourism questions.

Socio-cultural systems of tourism questions.

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# Question

Whenever you are with a tourist from American you should pay more attention to details.

True OR False

Whenever you are with a tourist from the middle east you should pay more attention to details.

True OR False

Toursits from high power distance countries hardly speak when there in the presence of a high authority person.

True OR False

Toursits from low power distance countries hardly speak when there in the presence of a high authority person.

True OR False

With examples , show your understanding on the following terms

  1. Folkways
  2. Mores
  3. Cultural universals
  4. Interdependence nature of a society
  5. Co-operation and conflict nature of a society

Short answers

Explain in details fives (5) basic characteristics of culture.

Short answers

According to Socio-cultural system of Tourism, tourists combine curiosity to seek out new experiences with the need for security of familiar reminders of home. Describe this phenomenon.

Long answers
  1. Explain the toursit-host relationship encounter as described by sociologists.
  2. The tourist-host relationship that you have described above can result in changes in locals` attitude towards tourists, discuss.

Long answers

Tourists from Italy and France rely more on words during communication.

True OR False

Toursits from UNited States and Scandinavia rely more on words during communication.

True OR False