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Soil resources questions.

Soil resources questions.

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# Question

Dissolution weathering process tends to be most effective in areas with hot humid climates.

True OR False

E-horizon is a mineral surface horizon characterised by loss of clay, iron, or aluminum resulting in lighter  colours and increased  concentration of sand and silt fractions.

True OR False

Ochric epipedon is one of the surface diagnostic horizons.

True OR False

Generally , soil PH increases with decreasing rainfall.

True OR False

Old (mature) soils  are normally characterised by higher clay contents than the young (immature) soils.

True OR False

Inorganic and organic soil parent materials are products of both physical and chemical weathering processes.

True OR False

Leaching is one of the soil formation processes which involves loss of soluble materials from the soil profile.

True OR False

Most rocks and minerals undergo weathering at or near the earth`s surface in order to attain equilibrium with conditions in the interior  of the earth.

True OR False

One of the importance of soil classification is to organize knowledge on soil resources and communicate soil knowledge to other people.

True OR False

Physical weathering alters composition of rocks by breaking them up into smaller fragments.

True OR False