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Tourism forecasting questions.

Tourism forecasting questions.

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# Question

What do you understand by the term ‘multicollinearity’?

Short answers

Explain briefly at least 2 strengths and 2 limitations of each of the following tourism forecasting models.

  1. Regression models
  2. Delphi technique.

Short answers

Various models have been used for tourism forecasting . Of the models, ‘autoregressive integrated moving average’ (ARIMA) models have been extensively utilized in tourism forecasting. To test your understanding of ARIMA models, you are required to answer the following questions about ARIMA.

  1. Briefly explain how are the models used in tourism forecasting?
  2. Discuss briefly the strengths and limitations of these models?

Long answers

Explain briefly how the exponential smoothing method of tourism forecasting works.

Long answers

The following table indicates tourism demand for country Y from year 1 to year 11. Study the table and use the ‘exponential smoothing’ method to forecast tourism demand for country Y starting from year 3 through 12. Assume year 1 increased by 20 per cent. The exponential smoothing formula is given as F_{t}=alpha A_{t-1}+(1-alpha)F_{t-1}


F_{t-1}=Last period`s forecast

A_{t-1}=Last period`s actual demand and

alpha=a smoothing coefficient whose value is between 0 and 1.

Hint:  Use alpha  value of 0.1

Note : present your answer in tabular form as shown in the table below.

Year Actual demand (# of visitors) Forecast
1 220  
2 265  
3 280  
4 311  
5 345  
6 390  
7 420  
8 460  
9 510  
10 580  
11 600  


Mathematical Calculation

What do you understand by the term ‘ tourism forecasting’ ?

Short answers

Explain the importance of tourism forecasting.

Short answers

Tourism forecasting can be done by using quantitative , qualitative or mixed method. The choice of which method to use often depends upon three factors. Please mention the factors.

Short answers

Explain how the following methods of tourism forecasting work.

  1. Delphi technique
  2. Jury of executive opinion
  3. Scenario planning
  4. Linear regression

Short answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the jury of executive opinion forecasting method?

Short answers