Vertebrate anatomy and physiology i questions.
Find Vertebrate anatomy and physiology i university examination questions in
# | Question |
1 | What compartment is considered the true stomach in ruminants?
Multiple choices |
2 | Which cells secret bicarbonate-rich mucus that coats and lubricates the gastric surface , and serves an important role in protecting the epithelium of the stomach?
Multiple choices |
3 | Chief cells secret
Multiple choices |
4 | Bile is stored in the gall bladder in the following animals
Multiple choices |
5 | Scapular is the flat bone of the pelvic limb. True OR False |
6 | All bones of the skull are paired. True OR False |
7 | Synchondrosis is the term used to describe bones united by hyaline cartilage. True OR False |
8 | Joints with limited or no movements are termed synarthroses. True OR False |
9 | Head of a rib articulates with two bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. True OR False |
10 | Atlas articulates with the skull and axis. True OR False |