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Vertebrate anatomy and physiology i questions.

Vertebrate anatomy and physiology i questions.

Find Vertebrate anatomy and physiology i university examination questions in acaproso.com

# Question

What compartment is considered the true stomach in ruminants?

  1. Rumen
  2. Reticulum
  3. Omasum
  4. Abomasum

Multiple choices

Which cells secret bicarbonate-rich mucus that coats and lubricates the gastric surface , and serves an important role in protecting the epithelium of the stomach?

  1. Goblet cells
  2. Parietal cells
  3. Chief cells
  4. All of the above

Multiple choices

Chief cells secret

  1. HCl and rennin
  2. Pepsin and trypsin
  3. Pepsinogen and rennin
  4. Pepsinogen and trypsinogen

Multiple choices

Bile is stored in the gall bladder in the following animals

  1. Horse
  2. Deer
  3. Rats
  4. Wolf

Multiple choices

Scapular is the flat bone of the pelvic limb.

True OR False

All bones of the skull are paired.

True OR False

Synchondrosis is the term used to describe bones united by hyaline cartilage.

True OR False

Joints with limited or no movements are termed synarthroses.

True OR False

Head of a rib articulates with two bodies of the thoracic vertebrae.

True OR False

Atlas articulates with the skull and axis.

True OR False