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Current electricity questions

Current electricity questions | form three Physics

Find Current electricity examination questions, form three Physics in acaproso.com

# Question

Fuse wires are labeled 3A, 5A, 10A, 12A, 18A and 20A. Select the best fuse for a 240V; 2.856kW electric kettle.

Short answers

Describe with the aid of circuit diagram, how would you determine the resistance of a conductor using the ammeter-voltmeter method.

Short answers

In the circuit below, all resistors have equal resistance R. What is the effective resistance between P and Q?

Electronics physics form four

A 2R
B 2R
C 32R
D 23R
E 3R

Short answers

Discuss the charge distribution on
(i) the surface of a solid conductor of irregular shape
(ii) a hollow conductor
(iii) a lightning conductor as clouds pass over its spikes.

Short answers

Resistors are components which are mainly used to ………..at different points in the circuit.

Fill in blanks

Which of the following is a symbol for a cell?

  1. Current electricity form two physicsa questions
  2. Current electricity questions form two physics
  3. Current electricity form 2 physics questions
  4. Current electricity form 2 physics questions

Multiple choices

Define the following

  1. An ammeter
  2. A voltmeter
  3. A resistor

Short answers

You are given a set of the following: a switch, a cell, an ammeter, a voltmeter, a resistor and connecting wires. Draw a complete circuit diagram to show the arrangement such
that the current can flow.

Short answers

A potential difference of 12 V is applied across a resistor of 120 Ω, the current in the
circuit is
A. 0.1 A
B. 10 A
C. 132 A
D. 440 A

Multiple choices
  1. State Ohm’s law.
  2. A cell of 8 V is connected in series with a resistor of 3 Ω. What is the value of the current through the resistor?

Short answers