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Cytology questions

Cytology questions | form five Biology

Find Cytology examination questions, form five Biology in acaproso.com

# Question
  1. List two roles of the cell membranes
  2. Mention  one function for the following organelles and briefly explain how each organelle is adapted to its function

         (i)Golgi body   (ii) Endoplasmic reticulum (iii) Chloroplast  (iv) Mitochondrion

Short answers
  1. Justify why a cell is said to be the basic unit of life
  2. Explain three roles played by each of the following organelles:

       (i)Nucleus (ii)Lysosomes (iii)Microtubes

  1. Describe four advantages of membrane bound organelles.

Long answers
  1. By using examples classify cells into two major groups. Give four features for each group to justify your answer.
  2. Outline three advantages of the presence of membranes in cell organelles.

Short answers
  1. Describe the tertiary structure of protein
  2. Elaborate six categories of protein basing on their functions.


Long answers
  1. Differentiate between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells basing on the following criteria.
  1. cell division
  2. Genetic material
  3. Cell wall
  4. Flagella
  5. Respiration
  6. Photosynthesis
  7. Nitrogen fixation
  1. What is cell differentiation?

Short answers
  1. What are the chemical composition of proteins?
  2. State supporting and storage functions of carbohydrates using one example in each case.

Short answers

Describe categories of proteins based on their structures and functions

Long answers
  1. Study figure 2 and answer the questions which follow.

Cytology questions form five biology

  1. Identify the cell
  2. Name the parts labeled A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
  1. Outline five differences between the cell in (a) above and a trypanosome cell?

Short answers
  1. Name the chemical composition of proteins
  2. Explain six categories of protein based on their functions.

Short answers
  1. (i)Briefly explain how to test for protein in a given solution using biuret test

          (ii) What is the basis of protein test?

  1. Explain how each of the following factors cause protein denaturation
  1. Heat
  2. Acid
  3. Alkalis
  4. Mechanical force.

Long answers