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Genetics questions

Genetics questions | form four Biology

Find Genetics examination questions, form four Biology in acaproso.com

# Question

Colour blindness is a sex linked character controlled by a recessive gene located on the X-chromosome. Only homozygous females suffer from this condition. It is more common to males. What percentage will the males suffering from colour blindness be if a normal male marries a colour blind female?.

Short answers

If one parent was homozygous tall (TT) and the other homozygous short (tt) what will the
genotype of the offspring be? Illustrate your answer.

Short answers

Define the following terms:
(i) Phenotype.
(ii) Recessive.
(iii) Heterozygous

Short answers

Study the pedigree below (Figure 4) and then answer the questions that follow.

Genetics pedigree diagram

Open figures indicate normal phenotypes; black figures indicate colour blind individuals.
(i) What is the probable genotype of 1?
(ii) Is the answer to (i) above 100% certam? Explain.
( iii) What is the genotype of 5 and 9?
(iv) Justify your answer in (iii) above.
(v) If 3 marries a normal man, what are the chances that she will have a colour blind son? Illustrate your answer.

Long answers

Observe the punnet square below (figure 4).

Genetics form four biology punnet

The possible gene combinations in square number 3 of figure 4 above is

  1. bcBc
  2. bbCc
  3. BbCc
  4. Bbcc
  5. bbcc

Long answers

The number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg in man that will grow into  a male of child isa.

  1. 22 pairs + XX
  2. 22 pair s + XY
  3. 22 pairs + y
  4. 22 + XY.

Multiple choices

In an experiment, bean seeds having a smooth seed coat were crossed with beans having wrinkled seed coat. All the seeds obtained in the first filial generation (F​ 1​ ) had a smooth seed coat. Use genetic cross to find out the formation of (F​ 1​ ) individuals.

Short answers

What is variation as applied to genetics?
A Differences among individuals of the related species.
B Differences among individuals of the same species.
C Differences among individuals of different species.
D Differences among individuals of unrelated species.
E Differences among individuals of the expected species.

Multiple choices

Why is the study of genetics important in our daily life? Explain by giving four points.

Long answers

A newly married couple expects a baby. Using a genetic cross, work out the probability of their first born child being a boy.

Short answers