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Health and immunity questions

Health and immunity questions | form one Biology

Find Health and immunity examination questions, form one Biology in acaproso.com

# Question

The ability of the body to resist infection by disease causing organisms is ,

  • Vaccination
  • Inoculation
  • Vaccine
  • Immunity

Multiple choices

HIV can be transmitted through the following methods except,

  • During sexual intercourse
  • Sharing sharp tools
  • During birth
  • During playing

Multiple choices

Differentiate between responsible behaviors and risky behaviors

Short answers

State two behaviors that may lead to

  • STDs
  • Drug abuse
  • Unplanned pregnancies

Short answers

Being a health officer of a certain village , you are assigned to educate the villagers on malaria. Use the following headings to transmit the education.

  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Transmission
  • Prevention and control
  • treatment
  • Effects of malaria

Long answers

Example of diseases caused by bacteria are

  • Tuberculosis, cholera and gonorrhea
  • Malaria, bilharzia and cancer
  • Elephantiasis, AIDS and sleeping sickness
  • Measles, amoebic dysentry and chickenpox
  • Common cold , Typhoid and Cholera

Multiple choices

The following is not true about viruses

  1. They attack living cells
  2. Multiply rapidly inside the living cell
  3. The are easy to destroy
  4. They spread through the air
  5. They cause diseases

Multiple choices

Rape is one of the current social problems in the society. Write an essay on rape under the following guidelines.
• Meaning of rape
• Possible causes of rape
• Actions to be taken if rape occurs
• Effects of rape
• Ways of preventing/minimizing rape

Long answers

HIV/AIDS can result from the following behaviour.
A Abstaining from sex and use of condoms.
B Rape, alcoholism and drug abuse.
C Faithfulness in marriage.
D Avoiding multiple sexual partnership.
E Using contraceptive pills.

Multiple choices

Write an essay on gonorrhea using the following guidelines.
• Causative agent.
• Ways of transmission
• Symptoms
• Parts of the body affected
• Cure and preventative measures

Long answers