National income accounting questions | form six Economics
Find National income accounting examination questions, form six Economics in
# | Question | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | Given Consumption=+0.2Y, Investment=Tshs 200
Mathematical Calculation |
2 | The following data show the national income figures , price indices and population for a hypothetical country.
Mathematical Calculation |
3 | Complete the following data which relates to a closed economy with no government activity.
Fill in blanks |
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Mathematical Calculation |
5 | Discuss the main determinants of the size of national income. Long answers |
6 | a. Differentiate between: i. Gross national product and Gross domestic product. ii. Nominal national income and real national income. b. Write short notes on the following concepts: i. Net factor income ii. Net national product iii. Net national product at factor cost iv. Marginal propensity to import v. Quid-pro-quo vi. Value added vii. Double counting viii. Non marketed output ix. Per capita income Short answers |
7 | Data below represents values of economic transactions for a hypothetical economy figures in terms of millions of shillings. Wages and salaries=50 Income from rent=4 Net interest=6 Profits of corporations=8 Indirect taxes=7 Subsidises=3 Depreciation=8 Net income from abroad=-4 From the above data , derive the following i. Gross domestic product at market price ii. Net domestic product iii. Net domestic product at factor cost iv. Gross national product v. National income Mathematical Calculation |
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Find the value of GNP Mathematical Calculation |
9 | Given a table below of a hypothetical economy, the values are in millions Tshs;
Mathematical Calculation |
10 | Given a table below:
Mathematical Calculation |