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National income accounting questions

National income accounting questions | form six Economics

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# Question

Given Consumption=+0.2Y, Investment=Tshs 200

  1. Find the equilibrium level of income
  2. By how much should the investment spending increase if the government wishes to increase the level of national income by 1000.

Mathematical Calculation

The following data show the national income figures , price indices and population for a hypothetical country.

1991 1992
1 National Income Tshs 5000million Tshs7200million
2 Price index(1991=100) Tshs 100 Tshs 160
3 Population 10 million 1 million
  1. Calculate real national income in both years
  2. Find real national income per capita in both years
  3. Comment on the change in potential welfare.

Mathematical Calculation

Complete the following data which relates to a closed economy with no government activity.

Investment in Tshs in million Consumption in Tshs Equilibrium level of income Savings
700m 300m - -
500m 350m - -
800m 420m - -
600m 460m - -


Fill in blanks
  1. State accelerator theory
  2. Complete a table below;
Year Demand Desired capital stock Net investment
1 1000 10 0
2 2000 20 -
3 3000 30 -
4 3500 35 -
5 3500 35 -
  1. Complete a table below;
Year t Income Capital-Output Ratio(v) Net Investment Capital Replacement Gross Investment
1991 100M 4 - 2m -
1992 110M 4 - 10m -
1993 130M 4 - 3m -
1994 140M 4 - 4m -


Mathematical Calculation

Discuss the main determinants of the size of national income.

Long answers

a. Differentiate between:

i. Gross national product and Gross domestic product.

ii. Nominal national income and real national income.

b. Write short notes on the following concepts: 

i. Net factor income

ii. Net national product

iii. Net national product at factor cost

iv. Marginal propensity to import

v. Quid-pro-quo

vi. Value added

vii. Double counting

viii. Non marketed output

ix. Per capita income 

Short answers

Data below represents values of economic transactions for a hypothetical economy figures in terms of millions of shillings.

Wages and salaries=50

Income from rent=4

Net interest=6

Profits of corporations=8

Indirect taxes=7



Net income from abroad=-4

From the above data , derive the following

i. Gross domestic product at market price

ii. Net domestic product

iii. Net domestic product at factor cost

iv. Gross national product

v. National income

Mathematical Calculation
  1. Given a table below of a hypothetical economy with only one commodity.
Farming 900
Threading 1000
Weaving 1200
Textile 1600
  1. Given a table below:
ITEM VALUE in millions Tshs
C+I+G+(X-M) 50
Transfer payments 10

Find the value of GNP

Mathematical Calculation

Given a table below of a hypothetical economy, the values are in millions Tshs;

Y C S T M I G X Total injections Total withdrawals Aggregate demand
10 8 0 2 2 8 4 4 - - -
20 16 2 2 4 8 4 4 - - -
30 24 4 2 6 8 4 4 - - -
40 32 6 2 8 8 4 4 - - -
50 40 8 2 10 8 4 4 - - -
60 48 10 2 12 8 4 4 - - -
  1. Fill in the blanks
  2. Show the equilibrium level of income.

Mathematical Calculation

Given a table below:

Income in Tshs million Consumption Tshs millions
350 335
300 290
250 245
200 200
150 135
100 110
  1. Express a consumption function which describes the data above
  2. If the level of saving in the economy is Tshs 25 millions at equilibrium use a consumption function obtained in (i) above to find equilibrium level of income.

Mathematical Calculation