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Statistics questions

Statistics questions | form three Basic Mathematics

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# Question

A survey of 50 families whowed the number of children per family as follows:

Number of children 1 2 3 4 5
Number of families 19 18 9 3 1
  1. Write down the modal number of children per family
  2. Find the median number of children per family
  3. Calculate the mean number of children per family.

Mathematical Calculation

The pie-chart below shows the number of students in one examination centre in different subjects sat for the national examinations.

statistics questions - form three basic mathematics

Given that 220 candidates did History ; find :

  1. The total number of candidates at this examination centre.
  2. The number of students who sat for civics examination.

Mathematical Calculation

The data below shows test scores of a certain class in mathematics:

21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 21 24 24 25 26 27 27 27.

Construct a frequency distribution table showing scores x and frequency f.

Mathematical Calculation

The table below shows the distribution of 100 shops and their profit per shop in a certain month.

Profit per shop in thousands of shs. 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59
Number of shops 12 18 C C-7 C-10 6
  1. Find the value of C.
  2. Prepare the frequency distribution and use it to determine the modal class.
  3. Draw a histogram and frequency polygon on the same diagram.

Mathematical Calculation

A random sample of 100 students was chosen from a school. Each student`s blood pressure was measured to the nearest millimetres of mercury as shown in the table below:

Bllod pressure in (mm Hg) 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89
Number of students 1 3 8 17 30 25 16
  1. Calculate the mean and mode of blood pressure
  2. Construct a cumulative frequency table and draw the ogive, from the ogive estimate
  1. The median blood pressure
  2. The percentage of students with blood pressure between 67 mmHg and 76 mmHg.

Mathematical Calculation

The following table represents age distribution of members of a school choir.

Age 14 15 16 17 18 19
Frequency 2 1 3 6 5 3
  1. How many students are in the school choir?
  2. What is the modal age?
  3. Calculate the mean age of the members of the school choir.
  4. What is the probability that a member chosen at random from the choir is
  1. 17 year old?
  2. over or equal to 17 years?
  1. Draw a pie chart to show the age distribution of the members of the school choir.

Mathematical Calculation

The table below shows the masses of 100 students to the nearest kilogram.

Mass (kg) 60-62 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74
Frequency 5 18 42 27 8
  1. Determine the mean of the masses
  2. Find the mode
  3. Draw a cumulative frequency curve and use it to determine the median of the masses.

Mathematical Calculation

Carefully study the frequency distribution table for the scores of 68 students (in percentage) given here under.

Class Boundary (in Percentage) 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
Frequency 6 12 14 16 8 6 6
  1. Determine the mode of the scores.
  2. Calculate the median of the scores
  3. A student is chosen at random from the frequency distribution table above . What is the probability that his score is below 60%?.

Mathematical Calculation

The heights in centimetres of 100 students of a certain school were recorded as follows:

height in Centimetres 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190
Frequency 4 9 12 16 25 20 8 4 2

From the above information answer the following questions.

  1. Draw a frequency polygon
  2. Determine the mean , median and mode
  3. Compute the variance and standard deviation.
  4. a student is chosen at random from this school. What is the probability that his height is greater than 160cm?

Mathematical Calculation

The mean of n numbers is 20. If the same numbers together with 30 give a new mean of 22, find n.

Mathematical Calculation