The solar system questions | form one Geography
Find The solar system examination questions, form one Geography in
# | Question |
1 | Senegal National team scored a goal at 2:00 pm in Senegal (150° W). At what time at Burundi (30° E) the goal was scored?
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2 | Why does the sun appear larger than other stars that are seen at night?
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3 | Which of the following occurs when the moon`s shadow cast over the earth?
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4 | Rose was talking with her grandmother who believes that the earth`s shape is flat like a table. By using six evidences, describe how Rose will prove to her grandmother that the earth is spherical. Long answers |
5 | The luminous body which provides energy to the solar system is:
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6 | Liverpool team scored a goal at 5.00pm in England (15°W). At what time the goal was scored in Dar es Salaam(45°E)?
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7 | The sun is overhead at tropic of Capricorn every year on
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8 | Day reaches its maximum length on 21st June in
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9 | Which of the following planets have small celestial bodies in orbit around them?
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10 | The movement of the earth around the sun in a period of 365¼ days is known as
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