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Econometrics questions.

Econometrics questions.

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# Question

In any given circumstance, it is researcher`s discretion to decide what sample size to use for a particular study.

True OR False

An analyst should not be too concerned about the normality assumption when estimating a regression model if the sample size is very large.

True OR False

Match the item in column A with corresponding item in column B

Column A Column B


  1. Ordinary Least Square
  2. Type II error
  3. Random variable
  4. Hypothesis testing
  5. Efficient estimator
  6. Covariance
  7. Gauss-Markov Theorem
  8. Regressand
  9. Variance
  10. Correlation


  1. Chance determination of outcome
  2. Linear relationship
  3. Nonstochastic independent variables
  4. Existence of relationship
  5. Minimizes sum of regression residual
  6. Dependent variable
  7. Dispersion of sample mean
  8. Strength of relationship
  9. Robust conclusion
  10. Slim chance of occurence


Matching items

Given the joint distribution on X and Y with each outcome equally probable as follow:

X 9 4 1 0 1 4 9
Y 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3


Calculate the covariance between X and Y and determine if they are linearly independent.

Mathematical Calculation

Many students contend that econometrics and mathematical econmics are more difficult than “literary economics”. May perhaps most, economists would disagree. Why?

Short answers

Under what condition is hat{eta}=frac{sum{x_{i}y_{i}}}{sum{x_{i}^{2}}}=frac{sum{X_{i}Y_{i}}}{sum{X_{i}^{2}}}  true?

Short answers
  1. Describe the Linear Probability Model (LPM) and give an example of its use in agriculture or any other sector of the economy.
  2. Describe the difference between the ordinary least squares (OLS) model and LPM
  3. In a logit model what is the interpretation of a slope coefficient for a particular variable in the model.

Short answers
  1. Correlation and regression analysis are closely related concepts. Under what circumstance will correlation analysis be as good as regression analysis?.
  2. A resercher has a large number of data pairs(age,height) of cattle from birth to 10 years. She computes a correlation coefficient (
  1. State the null hypothesis for testing whether the correlation coefficient for this relationship is statistically different from zero.
  2. What is the prior expectation about the sign of the computed correlation coefficient and why?
  3. What results are expected from the test specified in (i) above if all cattle in the sample have no abnormalities and why?
  4. What would you suggest be a major problem with this approach?


Long answers
  1. What is panel data?
  2. What is cross-sectional data?
  3. What is time series data?
  4. What are the advantages of using panel over cross-sectional and time series data?

Short answers
  1. What is the difference between fixed and random effect estimation as applied to panel data analysis?
  2. Which test is the general accepted test for choosing between using a Fixed Effect (FE) or Random effect (RE) Model?
  3. In a panel dataset, if all the cross-sectional units have the same number of time series observation, the panel dataset is considered to be……..


Short answers