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Educational assessment and evaluation questions.

Educational assessment and evaluation questions.

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# Question

Which of the following statements is not correct about test-retest reliability?

  1. The test-retest reliability coefficient is the correlation between the first and second administration of the test
  2. The closer each respondent`s scores are on T1 and T2, the more reliable the test measure
  3. In order to measure the test-retest reliability, we have to give the same test to the same test respondents on two separate occasions
  4. A test-retest reliability coefficient of zero indicates perfect test -retest reliability

Multiple choices

What does the value of correlation coefficient r=-0.21 tell you?

  1. A weak positive relationship between variables
  2. A strong positive  relationship between variables
  3. A strong negative relationship between variables
  4. A weak negative relationship between variables

Multiple choices

Recent studies have proven that most University examination questions had poor internal consistency. What does that mean?

  1. The test, when split and half and compared , does not produce the same results.
  2. The test does not produce the same results across time.
  3. Different versions of test do not produce the same responses
  4. The test items do not repeatedly measure what they say they measure.

Multiple choices

A teacher reviews as assessment that has a correlation coefficient of 0.45. Should this teacher use this test? Why?

  1. Yes : if the test was published, it must be reliable to use
  2. Yes: the correlation coefficient is considered adequate.
  3. No: a correlation coefficient must be 0.80 to be considered reliable
  4. No; the correlation coefficient is too low.

Multiple choices

Test A has a standard error of measurement of 4.3 and test B has a standard error of measurement of 1.3. Which test should be administered to ensure the best obtained score as possible?.

  1. Test A
  2. Neither
  3. Test B
  4. Either test would be reasonable to give.

Multiple choices

Which of the following provides the best description of a norm -referenced grading approach?

  1. All students can receive C grades
  2. A student`s grade depends on how other students performed
  3. Any student who exceeded  the standard got an A
  4. Grades were based on a departmental examination.

Multiple choices

Suppose you created a new measure of reading comprehensiion  and you wanted to test its validity. Therefore you compare the results of your new measure to existing validated measures of reading comprehension and find that your measure compares well with these other measures. We could then say that your new measure has good___

  1. Predictive validity
  2. Content validity
  3. Criterion-related validity
  4. Concurrent validity

Multiple choices

A test is said to accurately assess specific psychological and personality traits, psychological concepts, attributes, and theoretical characteristics. This assessment is likely to have good;

  1. Predictive validity
  2. Content validity
  3. Criterion-related validity
  4. Construct validity

Multiple choices

Consider the following  statements about a hypothetical personality test. Which one is not possible based on the relationship between reliability and validity?

  1. The test is high in predictive validity and high in reliability
  2. The test is high in predictive validity and low in reliability
  3. The test is low in predictive validity and high in reliability
  4. The test is low in predictive validity and low in reliability

Multiple choices

It has been said that a so-called  true score is “not the ultimate fact in the book of the recording angel”. This means that.

  1. Subjectivity in scoring may lead to chance variations in examination scores
  2. Factors due to luck, for lack of another word, must always be considered
  3. Test variance due to true variance as opposed to error may never be known
  4. Religion as a cultural variable has not been given sufficient consideration

Multiple choices