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Fundamentals of microbiology questions.

Fundamentals of microbiology questions.

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# Question

Differentiate the following groups of bacteria

  1. Peritrichous
  2. Diplococci
  3. Photoheterotrophic
  4. Actinomycetes
  5. Clamydiales

Short answers

Distinguish the following pairs of terminologies

  1. Septate Vs Coenocytic hypha
  2. Conidiophore Vs Sporangiophore
  3. Antheridia Vs Oogonia
  4. Chlorophyte Vs Chromophyte algae
  5. Ascus Vs Basidium

Short answers

Differentiate the following groups of microscopes

  1. Dark field microscope
  2. Phase contrast microscope
  3. Electron microscope
  4. Atomic force microscope


Mention five instruments that you can use to create sterility, indicate under what conditions  they can be used.


Archae bacteria are said to differ from other bacteria, in what forms?

Short answers

What are the main contributions of the following persons in the field of microbiology?

  1. Louis Pasteur
  2. Robert Kotch
  3. Sergey Winogradsky
  4. Robert Hook

Short answers

Match statements in A to corresponding statement in B



  1. Merulius lacrimas
  2. Penicellium
  3. Methanococci
  4. Ethanol
  5. Actinomycetes


  1. Fermentation
  2. Sporangiophore
  3. Antibiotic
  4. Wood
  5. Archae
  6. None of the above


Matching items

Differentiate the folowing pairs of terminologies

  1. Auto trophic Vs heterotrophic bacteria
  2. Sexual conjugation Vs sexual trasduction
  3. Parasite Vs Saprophyte fungi
  4. Mlticomponent virus Vs Satellite virus
  5. Plasmogamy Vs Karyogamy in fungi sexuality

Short answers
  1. Briefly describe the effect of microbes on food spoilage and poisoning
  2. Show how micro organisms can be used in environmental conservation.

Short answers
  1. Draw a bacterium cell and describe functions of its different parts.
  2. How can Peritrichous and Amphiotrichous bacteria be differentiated?

Short answers