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Management of dry lands questions.

Management of dry lands questions.

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# Question

Define dryland from the view point of vegetation.

Short answers

Mention four(4) specific areas in Tanzania (at least at district level) which can be considered to be drylands.

Short answers

Briefly, explain how the changes in the following factors affect the drylands:

  1. Population
  2. Climate
  3. Land use
  4. Land ownership
  5. Life styles

Long answers

Describe four(4) determinants of dryland ecosystem, clearly showing how they determine the ecosystem.

Long answers
  1. What is land degradation?
  2. List and give examples of types of land degradation common in drylands
  3. Describe how soil compaction occurs and what are its effects in the drylands

Long answers

Describe the following soil and water conservation methods, using illustrations where necessary;

  1. Contour bunds
  2. Half-moon catchments
  3. Fanya juu terraces

Long answers
  1. How are pastoralists more adapted to drylands as compared to crop growers?
  2. Write short notes on the following terms as used in dryland management
  1. Invasive species
  2. Climate change
  3. Climate change mitigation

Long answers

Which climate change adaptation practices would you recommend for the drylands in Tanzania?

Short answers
  1. How can you identify the following in the field?
  1. Splash erosion
  2. Sheet erosion
  3. Rill erosion
  4. Gully erosion
  1. Describe the challenges and measures you will take to control gully erosion.

Long answers

State the definition, importance, potential and limitations of drylands.

Short answers