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Object oriented concepts questions.

Object oriented concepts questions.

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# Question

State whether each of the following statements is true or false

  1. A subclass typically encapsulates less functionality than does its superclass.
  2. A superclass typically represents a larger number of objects than its subclass represents.
  3. The default case is required in the switch selection structure.
  4. The break statement is required in the default case of a switch selection structure.
  5. The expression(x>y && a is true if either x>y is true or a is true.
  6. The expression containing the || operator is true if either or both of its operands is true.

Short answers

What is the output of the following code assume grade is neither A nor B nor C
System.out.println("Great Job!");

System.out.println("Good Job!");

System.out.println("You can do better!");
System.out.println("Consider cheating!");

Short answers

Design a Java class named UniversityCircle with two methods that compute and display an area and circumference of a circle.


With examples describe the following terms

  1. Object oriented programming
  2. Dynamic binding
  3. Abstraction

Short answers

Differentiate the following terms

  • Overloading and overriding
  • this and super keywords in java

Short answers

Very briefly explain the following 

  1. Class and Object
  2. Constructors and their types

Short answers

Consider a class Person that consists of instance variables- name, age and gender. Instance methods - setName, getName and getAge. Class method- getAverageAge.

  1. Graphically represent this calss using UML notation
  2. Write a constructor that initialize all instance variables
  3. Using Java language , create an object whose initial values for name, age and gender are Juma, 28 and Male respectively.

Short answers
  • What is use case diagram?
  • Briefly describe the aim of inclusion and extension in the use case diagram.

Short answers

Describe the messages and methods in OOP.

Short answers

Consider the following scenarios the outline the objects ( at most three) and their interactions in terms of messages ( at least two)  and arguments

  • A passenger buying a bus ticket
  • A student borrowing a book in library
  • A lecturer deliverign his/her lecture to a class of students

Differentiate the sequence and collaboration diagram. Draw the sequence and collaboration diagrams that represents the scenario above.

Short answers