Programme planning and evaluation questions.
Find Programme planning and evaluation university examination questions in
# | Question |
1 | Project purpose describe the intended impact of the project. True OR False |
2 | In the logical framework matrix Objectively verifiable indicators should be independent of each other. True OR False |
3 | The source of verification should be considered and specified at the same time as the formulation of indicators. True OR False |
4 | Objectively verifiable indicator implies that the information collected should differ if collected by different people. True OR False |
5 | Assumptions from the 4th column of the Log frame , and are formulated in a negative way. True OR False |
6 | It is very crucial for each component of the vertical logic to have its assumption True OR False |
7 | Sources of verification indicate where and in what form information on the achievement of project purpose and results can be found. True OR False |
8 | Before you embark on detailed analytical work with stakeholders, it is important that those involved in the identification or formulation of projects are sufficiently aware of the policy, sector and institutional context within which they are undertaking their. True OR False |
9 | Explain any five basic assumptions behind the empasis on extension programme planning. Short answers |
10 | Give a critical examination of the five levels of participation in evaluation process. Short answers |