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Travel laws and insurance questions.

Travel laws and insurance questions.

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# Question

The term put forward by Vienna Convention on the law of Treaties to appeal for compliance of international laws by states is jus cogens

True OR False

A process undertaken by the insurance companies to ensure there is capacity to cover the risks contracted is capacity to contract by the company.

True OR False

The situation whereby onlty part of the loss is covered by the insurance company means incomplete insurance cover.

True OR False

THe duty owed by a beneficiary under insurance cover to the covering company in respect of trustworthiness means subrogation.

True OR False

The term that distinguishes an insurance contract from all other forms of contract is the need for consideration.

True OR False

A contractual term to mean a price for a promise means premium

True OR False

A legal term to mean a person who cannot be allowed to enter the territory of Tanzania because of his incapacity to maintain himself whilst in the territory is terrorist.

True OR False

A contractual term to mean that the buyer assumes the risks if products fail to meet expectations or have defects is to inspect before use.

True OR False

Authentic authorization to an individual by one state to enter and stay into its territory is free movement of people.

True OR False

States whom international laws and municipal laws are one and same thing are a dualist states.

True OR False