Current electricity questions | form six Physics
Find Current electricity examination questions, form six Physics in
# | Question |
1 | Why a high voltage supply should have high internal resistance? Short answers |
2 | Justify the statement that ‘it is not possible to verify Ohm’s law by using a filament lamp’. Short answers |
3 | A potential difference of 4V is connected to a uniform resistance wire of length 3.0m and Mathematical Calculation |
4 | Define the term junction as applied in electrical networks. Short answers |
5 | What is the physical significance of Kirchhoff’s first law? Short answers |
6 | Why is Kirchhoff’s second law sometimes referred to as the voltage law? Short answers |
7 | List down five points to be considered when applying Kirchhoff’s second law in Short answers |
8 | Study the circuit diagram in Figure 1 then answer the questions that follow: (i) How many loops are there in the circuit? Mathematical Calculation |
9 | What is meant by the following terms: Short answers |
10 | An a.c. circuit consisting of a pure resistance of 10Ω is connected across an a.c. supply of Mathematical Calculation |