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Health and immunity questions

Health and immunity questions | form one Biology

Find Health and immunity examination questions, form one Biology in acaproso.com

# Question

Hygiene is considered as one of the most important factors in maintaining good health. Write an essay under the following guidelines.
• Definition of hygiene
• Personal hygiene
• Drinking water
• Use of latrines
• Home surroundings

Long answers

State three (3} consequences of each of the following

  1. STDs infections.
  2. Early pregnancies.

Short answers

Write an essay on cholera using the following guidelmes:
(a) Cause
(b) Symptoms
(c) Transmission
(d) Effects
(e) Prevention.

Long answers

The virus which causes poliomyelitis (polio) in human beings attacks
A. bone cells
B. nerve cells
C. muscle cells
D. white blood cells

Multiple choices

Suppose you were invited to take part in a debate the motion of which was "Scientists should find a way of getting rid of all bacteria." Write an essay to give your views on this motion.

Long answers

Discuss the major sexually transmitted diseases under the given guidelines

  1. symptoms of the disease
  2. possible preventive measures

Long answers

What do you understand by the term disease?

Short answers

HIV/AIDS can result from the following behaviour.
A Abstaining from sex and use of condoms.
B Rape, alcoholism and drug abuse.
C Faithfulness in marriage.
D Avoiding multiple sexual partnership.
E Using contraceptive pills.

Multiple choices

The body is protected against pathogens by:
A Bone marrow.
B Erythrocytes.
C Thrombocytes.
D Lymph.
E Leucocytes.

Multiple choices

All types of bacteria cause diseases in human beings.

True OR False