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Introduction to agribusiness questions.

Introduction to agribusiness questions.

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# Question
  1. Most of the small and medium business ventures which are designed in Tanzania tend to collapse with no or inadequate returns to the investment injected , leaving the business person in a compromising situation. Explain what drives these businesses to such extremities.
  2. To correct these failures in businesses above, briefly explain what are necessary skills that these business people need to possess?

Long answers
  1. All types of people in business need good negotiating strategies . Briefly discuss why?
  2. How does one develop negotiating skills.

Long answers

A team can be defined as an organized group of individuals of varying skills and expertise who come together to achieve a specific /common goal. In recent decades there has been a sharp increase in the use of team works at working places in different professions. Use at east three points to explain why it is important to use the spirit of team work.

Short answers

As an agribusiness expert , given you are a junior underlying  in a maize processing firm in Morogoro Municipality. Friends and colleagues articulate  to you that your proprietor does not understand anything about planning and normally confront situations as they come across. Prepare a short presentantion outlining the five arguments you are going to use to convice your new proprietor on the importance of planning.

Long answers
  1. Discuss the importance of agribusiness to the Tanzania economy.
  2. Give at least three benefits of intra agribusiness linkages

Long answers
  1. What is the difference an entrepreneur and Entrapreneur
  2. How do you define yourself as an entrepreneur?
  3. Mention the steps involved in rational problem solving approach

Short answers
  1. Define agribusiness.
  2. Without input supply sub sectors , production and output sub sectors are in danger. Discuss.

Long answers

Briefly discuss the importance and contents  of business plan.

Long answers

An idea becomes an opportunity not only when it has the potential to be viable.

True OR False

Entrepreneurship always does and does not to Agribusiness sub sector.

True OR False