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Medical stores management questions.

Medical stores management questions.

Find Medical stores management university examination questions in acaproso.com

# Question

What are stock records required for receiving of medicines and medical supplies?

Short answers

What are common terms used in stock control of medicine and medical supplies?

Short answers

What are the stock control records and documents used in physical inventory?

Short answers

What are the processes of recording and reporting the unserviceable stocks?

Short answers

Which criteria are used to render a product unserviceable

Short answers

What is handover of a store?

Short answers

What are the importances’s of handing over a store?

Short answers

What are the steps in handing over of the store?

Short answers

Regarding medicines and medical supplies records

  1. Shall reflect how much is available of each item
  2. Shall reflect how much is used on a regular basis
  3. Shall be stored at the store for easy retrieval

Multiple True/False

Regarding bin cards

  1. Bin card can be used for recieving medicines
  2. Each item should have it`s bin card
  3. A record used for dispensing medicines

Multiple True/False