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School governance questions.

School governance questions.

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# Question

A manager with a positional-based power has an authority

True OR False

When the division community wants to constructs a new secondary school, the division secretary is responsible for mobilizing human and material resources.

True OR False

Conflict management includes both increasing and decreasing of a conflict.

True OR False

In all informal organisations, people interact with each on the basis of their power and social status.

True OR False

Rational system model differs from natural system model as it emphasizes on fulfilling organizational goals along with workers interests.

True OR False

Select he answer among the alternatives given in column B that best matches with the statement in column A, then write the lette(s) of the correct answer in the answer booklet provided.

Column A Column B
  1.  I allows uniformity of policies and plans across the education organizations
  2. Has predefined sets of policies, plans, procedures and schedules
  3. A kind of legitimate power that relates to bureaucratic ideal type.
  4. Sets out the structure of the formal meetings
  5. It exists independently o anything beyond its boundaries.
  6. A state of disagreement in prioritizing goals between science subject teachers with the head o school.
  7. Members of the governing body are mainly elected to allow representation of various groups.
  8. State organization`s aspirations
  9. The learning environment and relationships exist within and outside the school boundaries.
  10. A conflict management style that creates a win-win situation between the conflicting parties.


  1. Agenda
  2. Business model
  3. Centralized government
  4. Charismatic authority
  5. Intra group conflic
  6. Collaboration
  7. Decentralized government
  8. Informal organizations
  9. Intr organizational conflict
  10. Legal-rational authority
  11. Mission
  12. Open system model
  13. Quorum
  14. Formal organizations
  15. Rational system model
  16. School climate
  17. stakeholders model
  18. Vision
  19. Compromise.


Matching items

With the aid of relevant examples briefly write short notes on the following terms as applied in school governance

  1. School-community partnership
  2. School management team
  3. Macro-politics

Short answers

Outline seven (7) sttrategies that are used to promote a positive  school image.

Short answers

Explain thoroghly the extend to which secondary schools in Tanzania reflect the open systems model in its daily academic and administrative operations.

Long answers

With examples discuss the assertion that “In any formal organization, no single committee should serve all purposes”

Long answers