Atomic physics questions | form six Physics
Find Atomic physics examination questions, form six Physics in
# | Question |
1 | A muon is a particle which has the same charge as ana electron but its mass is 207 times the mass of an electron. An unusual atom similar to hydrogen has been created consisting of a muon orbiting a single proton. An energy level diagram for this atom is shown in Figure 1.
Mathematical Calculation |
2 | Why are the energy levels labelled with negative energies? Short answers |
3 | Ultraviolet light of wavelength 3600x10-10m is made to fall on a smooth surface of potassium. Determine:
Mathematical Calculation |
4 | Define activity and half-life. Short answers |
5 | Give any four uses of LASER light. Short answers |
6 | The isotope Mathematical Calculation |
7 | The half-life of a radioactive substance is 1 hour . How long will it take for 60% of the substance to decay? Mathematical Calculation |
8 | what is a nuclear reactor. Short answers |
9 | Briefly explain any three main components in a nuclear reactor. Short answers |
10 | Sketch the binding energy curve. Short answers |